Photos: Anna Breit
Zine Launch
Sunday 13 February from 2 pm
Wächterstraße 11, 04107 Leipzig
Academy for Transcultural Exchange / AtA presents two in one: continue and undisciplinary learning – Curriculum From Below / Many
HEDIS, Raum 0.69
Over the last year District*School Without Center and students from HGB / Academy for Transcultural Exchange (AtA) started a process of weaving new worlds, leaving open ends and learning undisciplined (from each other / stories / stones / mistakes / plants / ). We invite you to be part of a physical extension of the zine we created to document our journey and the ongoing collective process of listening / sitting / feeling / resting / talking / playing / /
On sunday at 2 pm we will be activating the entanglement of ideas, words, movements, relations that build the undisciplined base of the publication / our collaboration / this world. Stop by to have a tea, leave a trace, take a break
ZINE READINGS on soundcloud
#1 Beifuß
Poster by Josephine Sander and Luisa Hohlfeld
Read by Luisa Hohlfeld
#2 Undisciplinary Learning Poem
by Anna Breit, Carla Marusche Fellez, Ehab Assadi, Ferdiansyah Thajib, Hannah Tuchel, Josephine Sander, Kamile Pikeylyte, Luisa Hohlfeld, Marie Legler, Nino Halka, Suza Husse
Read by Nino Halka & Suza Husse
#3 Note Taking, Taking Notice
by Anna Breit
Read by Anna Breit
#4 Denken Über Pflanzensysteme / Überdenken von Pflanzensystemen
by Marie Legler
Read by Anna Breit
#5 The classroom remains the most radical space in academy
by Ferdiansyah Thajib, Nino Halka, Suza Husse
Read by Nino Halka, Suza Husse
#6 I am a good listener
by Ehab Assadi
Read by Nino Halka
#7 Reweaving a Basket
by Luisa Hohlfeld
Read by Suza Husse
undisciplinary learning
WorkBook Winter 2021
Curriculum from Below / Many
This undisciplinary learning WorkBook is part of an experiment initiated with a group of students at HGB Leipzig and artists, activists and cultural workers from District*School Without Center Berlin. It is an invitation to collectively rethink a curriculum (of an art school for example) as a living arrangement of knowledge, connecting imaginations and stories that emerge from decolonial and feminist art and publishing practices, self-organized learnings and entangled histories of institutional education. How can we perceive our concrete, daily living environments as learning spaces? What needs to change in our learning environments so that we can attend to polyphonic understandings around knowledge productions in all their complexities?
What has emerged from these constellations of thinking and doing things together is a multiplicity of emancipatory knowledge that cannot be summed up in any one kind narrative. The written and visual accounts included in this dispatch speak to each other and to the world in unruly and asynchronous ways; they honor each of the knowledge that comes from the specificities of our bodily experiences and local contexts while acknowledging that such knowledge is always already a part of the world that we seek to understand.
undisciplinary learning. WorkBook Winter 2021: Curriculum from Below / Many is published in connection to and contains materials that were generated during the workshop series of the same name that ran from May to December 2021 at Academy of Transcultural Exchange at HGB Leipzig in collaboratin with District*School Without Center. Supported by the DAAD
Working Group: Academy of Transcultural Exchange, Anna Breit, Carla Maruscha Fellenz, District*School Without Center, Druckwerkstatt HGB/ Johannes Oestringer, Ehab Assadi, Ferdiansyah Thajib, Gabriel Rossell Santillán, Hannah Tuchel, Josephine Sandner, Kamile Pikeylyte, Kunci Copy Station, Luisa Hohlfeld, Marie Legler, Melina Weissenborn, Nino Halka, Suza Husse, Toni Brell.
Design: Toni Brell, Ehab Assadi, Anna Breit
Published by District*School Without Center.
WorkBook editors: Nino Halka, Suza Husse, Ferdiansyah Thajib
The undisciplinary learning WorkBooks appears in an irregular rhythm. They accompany the pratice-based work and research at District*School Without Center. All issues are available for free download at www.district-berlin.com