Revolt She Said: decolonial and feminist perspectives on 68

Ausstellungsansichten, Portable Landscapes. Unweaving the Iron Curtain. District Berlin, 2019. Fotos: Margarita Ogoļceva.
Publication launch and collective reading
Friday, 12 July 2019, 7 pm
Languages: German + English
Please register until Wednesday 10 July at for receiving the reading materials.
We are thrilled to launch the publication Revolt She Said in the frame of the exhibition Portable Landscapes. Unweaving the Iron Curtain and the accompanying reading group which is dealing with feminisms, post-socialisms, dissidence and diaspora. Together with Karina Griffith, co-author of the publication and holder of the Research Grant Decolonizing 68, we will read excerpts of the publication (such as Peggy Piesche’s contribution Decolonize 1968! Methoden einer intersektionalen Erinnerungsarbeit) which will be complemented by other texts.
The publication is a documentation of the series Revolt She Said in which we were moved by the question of which histories, participants, and voices still remain invisible within the dominant narratives about the so called ‚long 1960s’ and how these can be re-actualised for the contemplation and creation of present and future sociopolitical processes and demands. As Peggy Piesche’s essay points out, various epochs of German history are inextricably linked. It makes clear that, from a point of view which is sensitive to memory politics, history cannot be simply separated as needed, but always consists of various transnational stories that belong together and communicate with each other.
Revolt She Said – Decolonial and feminist perspectives on 68 was co-organised by alpha nova & galerie futura and District in 2018. The publication contains contributions by Sharon Adler and Merle Stöver, Karina Griffith, Dr Natasha A. Kelly, Andrea Caroline Keppler and Dr Katharina Koch, Martina Kofer, Pınar Öğrenci, Dr Peggy Piesche, Dr Gabriele Schor, PD Dr Anja Zimmermann, edited by Andrea Caroline Keppler, Dr Katharina Koch and Dorothea Nold.