Reimagine Jetzt! Gestalte deine Geschichte selbst

Reimagine Jetzt! Gestalte deine Geschichte selbst, Projektpresentation des mitkollektivs, 4.-6. Juni 2021. Fotos: Karen Michelsen Castañón
Opening hours:
Friday: 15-20 Uhr
Saturday: 12-18 Uhr
Sunday: 12-17 Uhr
Reimagine Jetzt! Gestalte deine Geschichte selbst
Projektpresentation des mitkollektivs
***The visit is possible under the following conditions**
-wearing an FFP2 mask
-showing a negative COVID-19 test result (rapid antigen point-of-care test or PCR test) not older than 24 hours or providing proof of full vaccination (15 days after receiving the second vaccination) or showing a certificate of a prior COVID-19 infection (positive COVID-19 PCR test result that is at least 28 days, but no more than 6 months old)- booking a time slot online in advance via this link
The mitkollektiv is a group of artists and educators who work through an intersectional and antiracist lens to disrupt and intervene in traditional models of education. Their perspectives are shaped by the affinities and experiences we hold in the group: Black and PoC, queer, non-binary, immigrant and with varying class and gender identities.
At District, the mitkollektiv shares selected processes of Reimagine Jetzt! Create your own history with the visitors. The cultural education project, explores the following questions: How are we influenced by history / histories? In what way are power relations reproduced by historical narratives, and passed on to young people? And how is all this connected to today’s societal problems such as racism, sexism, homophobia and transphobia? Together, we would like to make us aware oft he connections and thus question them.
As part oft he project, projectweeks and workshops for yound people, as well as awareness-raising workshops for teachers were offered. A toolkit developed, which offers critical tools and educational materials for the discrimination-sensitive, anti-racist work of teachers, students and artists in schools, based on different artistic practices. Aspects of this toolkit will also be part of the project presentation at District.
In cooperation with District*Schule ohne Zentrum
Funded by Berliner Projektfonds für Kulturelle Bildung