Pulsar Nebula Supernova Soli-Party

Image: Composite Optical/X-ray image of the Crab Nebula, showing synchrotron emission in the surrounding pulsar wind nebula, powered by injection of magnetic fields and particles from the central pulsar. Poem: Sonja Gerdes, 2015

Sonja Gerdes & Allison Peacock, Air for Free. Expert Erased. Anahata. Vishudda Rising, performance at the opening, 2015, Photo: Emma Haugh
Pulsar Nebula Supernova Soli-Party is an invitation to join the galactic constellation of fantastic women artists to experience, celebrate and dance and in support of a publication accompanying the exhibition Satellite Affects and Other Lines of Flight. The title referring to deep sky objects first catalogued in the Catalogue of Stars by Caroline Lucretia Herschel (1750-1848) is a tribute to female astronomers and all those who explore the unknown.
PULSAR – the first act by Sonja Gerdes & Allison Peacock emerges from Gerdes’ self-invented sci-fi/utopian system OxygenEnergizer. This performance experiments with grains of sand, milli-seconds of higher consciousness and the transpersonal in which the sense of identity or self extends beyond (trans) the individual or personal to encompass wider aspects of our psyche and cosmic energies.
NEBULA – the star dust (nebula) act opens into the fresh, eclectic collages of electronic and acoustic sound of multi-instrumentalist and video artist / one-girl orchestra Golden Diskó Ship. Her imaginative soundscapes, shifting from delicate melodic lines steeped in nostalgia to the feedback arcs and textured distortion of machine abuse, evoke lucid dreams.
SUPERNOVA – all expansion of consciousness and lines of flight must lead into dancing. DAS DJ extends her ORANGE experience from the wilfully erratic queer club for all kinds of messers into the earthy grounds and high ceilings of the Pulsar Nebula Supernova. DJ collective SpatzHabibi will deepen the night with a penchant for far-flung sounds and plenty of breaks to take us along a journey around the globe ending in an unheard of place.
Sonja Gerdes & Allison Peacock, Air for Free. Expert Erased. Anahata. Vishudda Rising
Air for Free is an energy activist slogan from Sonja Gerdes’ self-invented sci-fi/utopian system OxygenEnergizer, through which sculptures, talismans, textiles and advertising are used to communicate ideals such as belief, trust, failure and hyperabstract absurdities. This performance experiments with grains of sand, milli-seconds of higher consciousness and the transpersonal in which the sense of identity or self extends beyond (trans) the individual or personal to encompass wider aspects of our psyche and cosmic energies.
Golden Diskó Ship
Golden Diskó Ship is Theresa Stroetges, a young Berlin-based multi-instrumentalist and video artist who performs live as a one-girl orchestra. Her imaginative soundscapes, shifting from delicate melodic lines steeped in nostalgia to the feedback arcs and textured distortion of machine abuse, evoke lucid dreams and have won critical praise for their fresh, eclectic collages of electronic and acoustic sound. Her debut solo album, Prehistoric Ghost Party, was produced at the legendary Faust Studio, home of the Klangbad label, and her tracks have also been released on Monika Enterprise’s City Splits # 1 and The Wire Tapper’s June 2012 compilation. (CTM concerts)
Emma Haugh aka DAS DJ is a Dublin/Berlin based visual artist/dj/club promoter and one member of the threesome behind ORANGE, a wilfully erratic queer club for all kinds of messers. She is co-producer of Frighten The Horses, a festival of queer art and music which brought JD Samsons’ MEN (NY) and Berlin based KoolThing (now Evvol) to Dublin to play alongside a gang of Irish performers and visual artists. Formerly DJ SWEET Emma co-promoted and was resident dj at the legendary dyke club LIBIDA housed at various venues in Dublin for some years a long time ago.
SpatzHabibi (Polychrome Sounds) Hard to pin down and ever-evolving, SpatzHabibi are an Anglo-German DJ team from Berlin with a penchant for far-flung sounds and plenty of breaks. Don’t be surprised to hear Egyptian hits mixed with modern Romanian psych, downbeat balearic off-beats colliding with the stick-hit of a talking drum. This is a journey around the globe ending in an unheard of place.