DIT- steam bath architecture and ritual
7.4. 2018, 11.30 am – 6 pm
8.4.2018, 3 pm – 8pm
Two day workshop by and for queer women-trans-non-binary folk
between 18 – 27 years of age (more or less)
Night sweats are associated with conflicted and transitional times, waking up from nightmares, erotic dreams, panic attacks and changing hormonal states in the body. With Night Sweat the artist Emma Haugh initiates a hands on experiment in collective building, sweating and queer sensual practice including an attempt at building a temporary outdoor steam bath.
This workshop follows some of the ideas of the Temporary Autonomous Zone by queer anarchist poet Hakim Bey who writes of non-permanent spaces of potential that can erupt and exist outside of the ‘mapped’ and the ‘controlled’. Keeping that track with a focus on sharing space, meeting and exchange, the group will discuss what queer ritual practices could be in relation to space that focuses on collective body based pleasure and care.
The first day of the workshop involve the planning and building of the steam bath architecture. The second day will be an active testing of the steam-bath and will involve making a fire, heating rocks, preparing food and hopefully some sweating for those who want to try it out.
The workshop is free of charge and will take place in English.
For max. 10 participants, therefore please register at jh@district-berlin.com until 3 April.
* DIT – Do It Together.
** All materials will be supplied. The process will be self-documented by the group. The documentation will be edited into a zine that will function as a manual for others who would like to try out a similar process.
*** People are welcome to participate if they are interested but don’t want to enter the steam bath.
This workshop is developed by the artist Emma Haugh as part of her continuing project The Re-appropriation of Sensuality. Night Sweats takes pace in dialogue with Freja Bäckman’s project I was told I chop wood like a ballet dancer at District and is part of Caring for Conflict – a Institut of Queer Theory (iQt) and District Berlin collaboration, funded by Projektfonds Kulturelle Bildung.
For more info please visit http://caring-for-conflict.de/