26.9. District at the Open Talks „Wie findet Freiraum Stadt?” at Feldfünf

What is the meaning of open space in the city and who benefits from it and who uses it? How does one create sustainable formats that reflect the culture of the city? And in which way can one open spaces for creative impulses and innovations? How can we dismantle barriers and in which way do initiatives make art and culture accessible for everyone to bring new perspectives in the cultural scene of Berlin?
Open spaces can be a field for experimentation and playful ideas, they can shape social interactions and support the integration of different ways of living. With the question “How does open space find its space in the city?”, feldfünf wants to open its project spaces to all interested participants. Together, barriers should be dismantled, projects and visions developed, diversity and participation promoted and networks and alliances formed.
With the format of Open Talks different cultural actors will share experiences and present their approaches to open up spaces for art and culture in an innovative way. We are looking forward to an exciting exchange of ideas!
4 – 6 pm: Workshops by Kulturförderpunkt Berlin
4 pm: „Starterkit für Förderung” (45 min)
Requirements for participation: none
5 pm: „Von der Idee zum Antrag” (1 hour)
Participation requirement: project idea
For workshop participation RSVP: info@feldfuenf.berlin
Open Talks, 6.30 – 9 pm:
With: ACUD MACHT NEU, Agentur für kreative Zwischenraumnutzung Hannover, Alte Münze Berlin, Apartment Project Berlin, Berlinklusion, District Berlin
Location: feldfünf – Projekträume im Metropolenhaus, Fromet-und-Moses-Mendelssohn-Platz 7–8, 10969 Berlin
More info here: www.feldfuenf.berlin