20.9. Kunstblock and beyond: Call for Global Climate Strike

On Friday, September 20, Fridays For Future (FFF) calls for a global climate strike. Demonstrations will take place in larger and smaller cities worldwide. Kunstblock and beyond, together with other artists, cultural workers and institutions, supports FFF’s global strike. By collectively refusing to work on the 20th, we acknowledge our ecological responsibility. In doing so, we turn against extractivism, the capitalist ideology of growth, and the continued expansion of the fossil fuels industry. As artists and cultural workers, we often find ourselves negotiating between our own ideals and the unethical structures which have shaped many institutions. However, we are neither ‘outside’ nor powerless—but rather, together we have both access and visibility. We ask ourselves: What structural alternatives do we reach for when it is no longer possible for institutions to legitimise the fossil fuel and car industry through sponsorship deals? Or with which sustainable modes of production might we work? How can we use our access, visibility and skills to support climate activists?
FFF-Demo begins: 12:00, 20/09/19 @Brandenburger Tor.
Kunstblock meeting-point: 11h30 in front of Akademie der Künste am Pariser Platz.
The demo continues from 4pm @Potsdamer Platz with our friends from ReclaimClubCulture, among others.
Strike on September 20 with us!