Intersectional Feminism – we need strategies of solidarity and actions!

Communal cooking, dinner and discussion
with Bahareh Sharifi (Diversity Arts Culture), Candice Breitz (artist) and Nuray Demir (Curatorial team District * School without Center)
Thursday, 12 September 2019, 6 pm
Language: German
Free admission. Please register at
Everyone is talking about diversity these days, but hardly any field is more homogeneously occupied by privileged milieus than the art field. The event Intersectional Feminism – we need strategies of solidarity and actions! brings together critical actors from Berlin as part of Berlin Art Week and creates a space for encounters. After cooking and reviewing the representation relations of the Berlin art scene together, Nuray Demir will discuss with Bahareh Sharifi and Candice Breitz about solidarity strategies. It’s still time to act!
This event is District’s contribution to the program taking place during Berlin Art Week and surrounding the Official Award Ceremony of “Award for Art Project Spaces and Initiatives” 2019 on Friday, 13 September, 7 pm at Humboldthain Club, Hochstraße 46, 13357 Berlin.