Mo Matton – 2016, I

Mo Matton, Swarm of Selenium, short film, 2017. Still: Ariane Lorrain.
Mo Matton is an emergent filmmaker and curator based in Tio’tia:ke (Montreal, Canada). They are a film festival programmer and an independent curator of queer and trans film programs and community-building events. While they studied film at the Mel Hoppenheim School of Cinema, their artistic practice is mostly influenced by skill-sharing and collaborative approaches with other artists and friends. This is the kind of learning that is most passionate for them.
During their studio grant at District, Mo created the queer sci-fi short film SWARM OF SELENIUM (2017) with a crew of over 40 women, trans and non-binary artists. The film explores the topics of communities of care, trauma and other world-making. Mo is also the co-director of EMERGENT VISIONS: NO PRISONS! (2018), a speculative sci-fi short film which was collectively created with a crew of prison abolitionist activists and artists.