
— 03/05/2019

‘Sexy Dancing’, Agency and Femme Empowerment/NAILS hacks*facts*fictions

3 May 2019, 5-7 pm

Location: St Georg
Ritterstraße 26, 10969 Berlin

For 15-20 participants. No fee, no prior knowledge needed, languages English and German.
Please register at liane.aviram@yahoo.com

In this workshop we plan to make a space to empower ourselves through dance and conversations. It will last 3 hours in the club St Georg and prioritize femmes, queers and people of color and their experiences. Dancers and activists will open discussions around the idea of ‘sexiness’ in relation to empowerment, sexualities and dance h(is)tories. As a group we will explore creative solutions to reclaim sexiness, to understand it in different contexts and what it means to us as individuals. Alongside engaging conversations we will have exercises and activities lead by the collaborators.

Collaborators: Anisha Müller, Liane Aviram, Maque Pereyra, Marga Alfa, Cherub Henry, DragoXie, Louisa Burow, Laura Lulika / NAILS hacks*facts*fictions

Femme Fitness / NAILS hacks*facts*fictions takes place in the frame of Caring for Conflict, an intersectional arts and education project initiated by District Berlin and Institute for Queer Theory, funded by Projektfonds Kulturelle Bildung.