For the furious closing of both dissident desire chapters EXERCISES OF CRITICAL BODYBUILDING and TERRAIN OF THRESHOLD VOICES this coming Saturday, December 7th, District invites to a full day and night program of performances with
Alicia Frankovich, Emma Haugh, Wilhelm Klotzek, Hanne Lippard and Dafna Maimon
PROGRAM 7 December 2013
15 h Stätte – Stimme am Subjekt (A Non Food Menu)
PERFORMANCE TOUR by Wilhelm Klotzek
Meeting point: ALTE ZIEGENWEIDE Biergarten, opposite to S-Bahnhof Priesterweg.
In his performance Stätte – Stimme am Subjekt, Wilhelm Klotzek connects the location of the Gaststätte (restaurant or public house) with garden colony politics and hardware store cosmoses through bold language sculptures. In the middle of the garden colonies surrouding the Priesterweg S-Bahn station , set off on a daring tour of ideas through territories of growth, construction and do-it-yourselfing. For a short time, you will be part of a movement you didn’t even know existed until now: weclome to the “multitool” club.
16.30 h PHONE-IN, CALL OUT. A disembodied tour.
PERFORMANCE-TOUR von by Hanne Lippard *in English
The phone-persona is delightfully visually shrouded, only surrounding sounds can give your lies away. There are no waterfalls in the city. Prior to our cellphone lives, a phone-call had a given time and space, it was an agreement between two distant parts. In a culture depending on a phone to serve as a multi-tasking nomadic gizmo, Hanne Lippard’s call-shop tour is an exploration into the specificity of the phone-call as a fixed act in time as well as location.
17 h The Potent Self: a study of spontaneity, compulsion and resistance
WORKSHOP by Alicia Frankovich
with Christiane Lillge (Feldenkrais teacher)
19 h The Potent Self: a study of spontaneity, compulsion and resistance
DEMONSTRATION by Alicia Frankovich
with Dr. med. Robert Margerie (Medical Specialist in Internal, Sports and Emergency Medicine)
The Potent Self confronts the viewers with a series of physical propositions taking the form of live encounters, instructional videos and objects. The treatments and methods, which are presented by various practitioners, range from illicit to holistic forms and medicinal techniques. Closely related to the boosting and healing of the self as well as to forms of societal resistance, her work also raises awareness for the potential of self-agency and the kinesthesia of the body and mind.
20 h Physical Education: Exercises in Embodying Discourse
ZINE PRESENTATION – Reading Troupe, 02 by Emma Haugh *in English
„What if spoken language was facilitated in taking a back seat allowing other means of response to come to the fore?” Within the “reading troupe”, the “readers” were invited to participate in an active embodiment of knowledge dissemination and production. During the two-day workshop held in the frame of dissident desire in November participants were encouraged to become critical agents who perform what might be living within the text Testo Junkie by philosopher Beatriz Preciado. The processes and results are presented in form of a ZINE.
21 h The She The Same
PERFORMANCE by Dafna Maimon with John John and Dramachandran *in English
The She The Same is a project in which the experience of our “true other” is set parallel to the phantom limb pain. By looking back at mythologies in which each human was once separated from his or her “other half” in the beginning of times, this “lost other” could be considered to be a phantom limb or body. This research project, developed with the help of a neuro scientist, explores the way in which bodies are constructed and perceived through a short film (30 min.), a performance and painting. Dafna Maimon questions if the idea of a “true other half” possibly is a tool for the production of expectation and desire of the capitalist romantic industry.
dissident desire is a project by Suza Husse and Lorenzo Sandoval.
TERRAIN OF THRESHOLD VOICES, dissident desire – Chapter 2 is a collaboration between District and ENGLISH THEATRE BERLIN – International Performing Arts Center, supported by Hauptstadtkulturfonds. In collaboration with Daniel Brunet.