Balz Isler: A World Behind the World

Balz Isler, A World Behind the World, Hfbk Hamburg, 2011, Photo: Tim Albrecht

Balz Isler, A World Behind the World, Hfbk Hamburg, 2011, Photo: Tim Albrecht

Balz Isler, A World Behind The World, 2011, Photo: Balz Isler
In the context of the xmess – the conference about [the next] society Isler presents his performance A World Behind the World (2011) fort he first time in Berlin.
The visual artist Balz Isler (*1982) is a philosopher, musician, performer and stimulator. In his multimedia installations and performances he „overwrites“ digital data such as videos, photographies, sounds, clips and texts and translates them into the present, into ‚real time’ (Paul Virilio). In private and public archives, memory software and online portals like YouTube,he collects his raw material according to subjective and informal criteria. Through the strategies of montage, repetition and projection, these visual and acoustic fragments enter into a relationship with one another. In the context of the xmess – the conference about [the next] society, organized by the non-profit foundation mz-X in cooperation with District, Balz Isler presents his performance A World Behind The World (2011) for the first time in Berlin. His artistic engagement interlaces physical and subjective experience with the flood of digital media imagery. By employing body and voice, as well as their digital replicas, he communicates his thoughts on »the world behind the world« embedded within the images. This abstract conceptual model implies the infinite space of possibility pertaining to subjective perception and navigation.
The non-profit foundation mz-X explores and investigates possible alternatives to conventional contemporary cultural techniques and management methods and seeks a dialogue between science, art, management and consultation. The xmess – the conference on [the next] society is taking place from November 17–19, 2011 in this context. In collaboration with District xmess is accompanied by xsessions: selected work and prototypes of artistic/performative installations, reading rooms, design set-ups and convergences between theatre, performance, photography, film, video and computer. In xsessions, the participants and visitors encounter interactive installations, performances and net art.