KLIRRRRR. Festival for queer cultures of conflict. Lễ hội của những văn hóa đa tính đối lập.

Caring for Conflict: Streitbauten, Architektur: Lorenzo Sandoval, 2018. Foto: Thaisa Mezzavilla.
Festival for queer cultures of conflict
26 May 2019, 12 am – 9 pm
1. Juni 2019, 2 pm – midnight
Conflicts are everywhere – they reveal themselves in bodies and feelings, in groups of friends and neighborhoods, in the city and in politics. Conflicts are part of planets, fantasies, languages, and ways of life. How might cultures of conflict look that do without violence and question normalcy? Can we understand conflicts as contact zones between divided worlds? As breaks in divisions and occasions for rapprochement and change?
KLIRRRRR festival means: Encounter, gathering, a place where we speculate together and propose inspiring ways of dealing with current conflicts. The festival will be a space of practices, dancing, speaking, listening, of un_learning, arguing, experiencing.
KLIRRRRR celebrates the second project year of Caring for Conflict, a project of intersectional learning initiated by District Berlin and Institut für Queer Theory (iQt) in cooperation with Treffpunkt in der Schokofabrik, KontextSchule, Le Nails Ausbildungszentrum, Alice Salomon Hochschule, AWO Falkclub Neukölln, Alfred-Nobel-Schule, Universität der Künste Berlin, DAMN- Deutsche Asiat*innen make Noise. Funded by Berliner Projektfonds Kulturelle Bildung.
Accessibility: Space and events are wheelchair accessible.
SUNDAY, May 26, 2019
12 am – 2 pm Opening forum with the Klirrrrr collective
The KLIRRRRR collective warmly invites you to the kick-off of this year’s KLIRRRRR festival! Is there a queer way of fighting? Which conflicts to I have to carry out? Who do I want to care for? Come and join us for a gathering to initiate the two-day festival and open up a space where we can find fertile ways of dealing with conflicts and caring for each other and ourselves in our everyday practices.
From 12
NAILS hacks*facts*fictions: Trúng Mú – White Mist in Foreign Country
An installation by Nguyen Phuong Linh co-inhabited by In One’s Breath – Nothing Stands Still by Tuan Mami, Memory Of The Blind Elephant by Nguyen Phuong Linh, Blue Flamez by Kim Bode, the collaborative publication NAILS*hacks*facts*fictions and gatherings
URBAN CARING superhéroes*heroins
A Video by Theaterlinge / AWO Falck-Club Neukölln in cooperation with Ani Lachnitt, El Boum, Verena Melagarejo Weinandt and Liesa Kovacs
Live-Blogging with Magda Albrecht and live drawing by El Boum
Social media and websites have become an integral part of our lives. Many young people use the media both artistically and politically – whether to learn about the latest news, to make their own art visible or to conduct political discussions. The internet offers opportunities for self-presentation, for making oneself visible and for (political and artistic) interventions. The online world can be a particularly suitable medium for perspectives that are neglected by the main-stream.
But how do I get involved? How and where do I start? Which stories can I tell and how?
The short workshop gives insights into the possibilities of virtual communication from blogging to instagram and is particularly suitable for beginners.
The blog workshop is open all day: You can experiment for yourself and bring in your thoughts, texts, pictures, sounds. Subsequently, you can post them on our Blog or Insta-Account yourself or, if necessary, with our support. Feel free to approach Magda (26 May) or Maja (1 June). Both are equipped with laptops and camera and can be found next to the STREITBAUTEN tent.
2 pm – 6 pm DJ*ane-Workshop with Neda Sanai
Please register at: flint.djworkshop@gmail.com
In this workshop we will walk through the technical aspects of DJing, such as how dose the hardware and software work. Also how do I as a DJ curate an accurate setlist for the event I will be playing? How can I create an inclusive dance floor with my choice of music? And most important what is the purpose and who do I as a DJ cater for? The workshop is open for people identifying somewhere in the FLINT (Frauen Lesben Inter Nichtbinär Trans) spectrum. Participants must bring their own computer with already installed software Recordbox thats free for download from Pioneer.
Neda Sanai is a multidisciplinary Berlin based artist. Their praxis moves through a hybrid of mediums such as DJing, Music composition and performance. Usually canalised through the idea of the collective work and the community as a starting off point.
3 pm – 5 pm Urban Caring: bed´ n´ wishes
conversation(s) in the garden bed// A Garden Mani-Fest(O) with Habet Ogbamichael (Treffpunkt in der Schokofabrik) and Ani Lachnitt
In the spring of 1981, architects, artists and activists occupied the empty former chocolate facto-ry of the Greiser&Dobritz company in Kreuzberg and founded the association “Frauenstadtteilzentrum Kreuzberg-Schokoladenfabrik e.V.”. The group consisting of about 40 women* joined forces to develop other living and working contexts in their immediate neighbourhood*, SO36, and to bring together various projects for women* under one roof. The meeting point in the chocolate factory is an ongoing initiative which, in its beginnings, particularly offered language courses and literacy courses for Turkish-speaking women*, and in the course of time has become a place of solidarity, security and empowerment as well as a place for tutoring for many girls* and women* between the ages of 13 and 26.
On the basis of our encounters with the girls* and those responsible for the meeting point, we invite you, together with our interlocutor Habet, to share and shape your experiences, knowledge, visions and practices in urban spaces of security, resistance and solidarity. Along horticultural, food-political, economic, social, artistic and city-planning questions, a queer, botanical bed of desire emerges. In the words of the Green Guerillas from New York: IT´S Your City. DIG it.
4 pm – 5 pm Urban Caring: Newcomers
Workshop talk with Pınar Öğrenci
6 pm – 7 pm Food for Care, Food for Conflict
Communal dinner prepared by Sylvie, Grace and David
7 pm– 9 pm Caring in and against capitalism
Workshop with Francis Seeck and Ferdiansyah Thajib
In our workshop we will approach the topic of care from a queerfeminist and intersectional perspective. Reflecting on our involvement in Caring for Conflict we would like to discuss how can we organize care for others and care for ourselves in neoliberal conditions. How do our own positionalities implicate access to care? How to navigate between notion self-care as privilege and survival strategy? How to deal with the appropriation of care into capitalist structures?
Francis Seeck is working as an antidiscrimination trainer, author and Phd candidate. They are giving workshops and talks on classism, grief, care and gender diversity. In their ethnographic PhD project on collective care work within trans* and non-binary spaces, they invest the role of class and precarity.
Ferdiansyah Thajib is a researcher and community educator. Ferdi is a member of KUNCI collective in Yogyakarta, Indonesia. He also recently joined the Committee and the ProgramCollective of District*School Without Center in Berlin, Germany. His lifeworks are situated in the intersections of theory and praxis, with specific research interests on queer modes of endurance and forms of affective entanglement in everyday life.
SATURDAY, June 1, 2019
From 2 pm
NAILS hacks*facts*fictions: Trúng Mú – White Mist in Foreign Country
An installation by Nguyen Phuong Linh co-inhabited by In One’s Breath – Nothing Stands Still by Tuan Mami, Memory Of The Blind Elephant by Nguyen Phuong Linh, Blue Flamez by Kim Bode, the collaborative publication NAILS*hacks*facts*fictions and gatherings
Urban Caring: Meet´n´greet the superhéroes*heroins
A Video by Theaterlinge / AWO Falck-Club Neukölln in cooperation with Ani Lachnitt, El Boum, Verena Melagarejo Weinandt and Liesa Kovacs
Live-Blogging with Maja Bogojevic and live drawing by El Boum
Social media and websites have become an integral part of our lives. Many young people use the media both artistically and politically – whether to learn about the latest news, to make their own art visible or to conduct political discussions. The internet offers opportunities for self-presentation, for making oneself visible and for (political and artistic) interventions. The online world can be a particularly suitable medium for perspectives that are neglected by the main-stream.
But how do I get involved? How and where do I start? Which stories can I tell and how?
The short workshop gives insights into the possibilities of virtual communication from blogging to instagram and is particularly suitable for beginners.
The blog workshop is open all day: You can experiment for yourself and bring in your thoughts, texts, pictures, sounds. Subsequently, you can post them on our Blog or Insta-Account yourself or, if necessary, with our support. Feel free to approach Magda (26 May) or Maja (1 June). Both are equipped with laptops and camera and can be found next to the STREITBAUTEN tent.
2 pm – 4 pm Urban Caring: Meet´n´greet the superhéroes*heroins
performative superhéroes*heroins *research laboratory with the Theaterlings / AWO Falck-Club Neukölln, Ani Lachnitt and Verena Melagarejo Weinandt
Seagull, Frog, Pilot, Princess, Cat Women and Co are the superhero*in characters of the inclusive theatre group Theaterlinge. As part of the Urban Caring subproject, they have joined forces to search for the superpowers they desire in the everyday mess of Berlin city life. In doing so, they not only succeed at flying, climbing and healing, but also at being healthy, reading and writing, attaining barrier-free mobility, singing together, dancing and learning from each other.
As part of the festival, we invite you to a performative superhero*in research laboratory in which we want to track down the everyday and utopian superpowers in a creative, posing, dancing and narrative way.
4 pm – 6 pm RadioBodies: Im_possibilities of mediation
Performative Conversation with Nuray Demir, Qwigo Baldwin and Shanti Suki Osman
Qwigo Baldwin, Nuray Demir and Shanti Suki Osman reenact their project Radiokörper, which was realised in January 2019 at the Alfred Nobel School with the pupils* of class 8b. Subsequently, they performatively discuss the im_possibilities of mediation. Everyone is cordially invited to participate in the Unfinished Conversation.
Qwigo FLux/Lydia Baldwin is active in Berlin in theater-making, storytelling, body music and vocal improvisation since 2009. Together with kindergarten kids, queer arts collectives and newcomers of all ages, Qwigo explores and performs the long-term project “Querzaehlen”: Skewing and fracturing folktales about trespassing, coloring outside the lines and other outlandish acts.
Nuray Demir is an artist/curator in the field of visual and performing/performative arts. Her practise is distinguished by a research-based, radically transdisciplinary approach. In her projects, she forms temporary ensembles with people from various fields. She is especially interested in debates and concepts of feminist and postcolonial theory.
Shanti Suki Osman works with radio, song and sound, exploring the themes of identities, privilege, cultural commodification and appropriation, feminism and decolonisation in various education and performance contexts.
6 pm – 7 pm Food for Care, Food for Conflict
Communal dinner prepared by Sylvie, Grace and David
7 pm – 9 pm N*A*I*L*S hacks*facts*fictions: Femme Fitness – Sexy Dancing, Agency and Femme Empowerment, 3019 Monday Nails Halle 18 Hack Lab, 4 Real, Trúng Mú – White Mist in Foreign Country and a collaborative publication
Conversations, manicures and transmissions with Anisha Müller, Anna Ehrenstein, Ayşe Güleç, Chi Phan, DAMN / Deutsche Asiat*innen Make Noise, Dovilè Aleksaitè, Le Nails Ausbildungszentrum, Jinran Ha, Johanna Michel, Katja Kobolt, Kim Bode, Liane Aviram, Mareike Bernien, Phuong Linh Nguyen, Suza Husse, Thao Ho, Vicky Truong
N * A * I * L * S hacks*facts*fictions emerges from collaborative and open-ended artistic and activist research processes and conversational and manicuring transactions that began in spring 2018. Between September 2018 and June 2019, various N*A*I*L*S hacks*facts*fictions groups operate within the framework of Caring for Conflict:
* a hack lab on the reflective surfaces of the tables at Le Nails Training Center, where virtual reality, living contact and visions of the future overlap (3019 Monday Nails Hall 18 Hack Lab with Le Nails nail design students, Chi Phan, Dovilè Aleksaitè, Jinran Ha, Katja Kobolt, Kim Bode, Liane Aviram, Phuong Linh Nguyen, Thao Ho, Yen Le)
* a series of workshops on nail fashions as starting points for imagined bodies & identities (4 Real with Anna Ehrenstein & Johanna Michel)
* a dance, movement and body course (Femme Fitness – Sexy Dancing, Agency and Femme Empowerment with Anisha Müller, DragoXie, Cherub Henry, Maque Pereyra, Marga Alfa, Liane Aviram, Luisa Burow, Laura Lulika)
* an exhibition on the political figure of white dust in nail studios and toxic environments (Trúng Mú – White Mist in Foreign Country with Nguyen Phuong Linh, Suza Husse, Tuan Mami, Kim Bode)
* a collaborative publication project on nail care, art and migration (with Anisha Müller, Anna Ehrenstein, Ayşe Güleç, DAMN / Deutsche Asiat*innen Make Noise, Dovilè Aleksaitè, Ferdi-ansyah Thajib, Inia Steinbach, Jinran Ha, Johanna Michel, Katja Kobolt, Kim Bode, Liane Avi-ram, Mareike Bernien, Nguyen Phuong Linh, Suza Husse, Thao Ho, Yen Le, Vicky Truong).
On the occasion of the KLIRRRRR festival, the different strands are linked together via the collective interface of our nails and continued together with those present. Together we move through hacks, facts and fictions, perspectives, physicalities and stories. From within the conflicts and constraints of 2018/2019 propositions open up to a future/present nail cosmology based on a fundamentally different metaphysics, in which hybrid hands crack open the outer shell of binary files, egos are abolished, conflicts are open ended, dance and hand movements interrupt colonial and patriarchal violence, care is an exchange at a molecular level between ani-mate and inanimate bodies passing one another, stones can fly and the nail is a convivial organ.
9 pm – 10 pm warming up sets with the participants of Neda Sanai’s DJ*ane-Workshop
10 pm live act Douniah
Dounia, using the stage name Douniah, grew up in Hamburg and has German-Moroccan roots. Why this is important to know – cultural identity, origin and heritage are topics she has been dealing with for years and keeps reflecting in her music. At the age of 15 she started writing lyrics, taking a lot of inspiration in alternative and soul, from Bon Iver to Erykah Badu. Before working with producers and beats, she played guitar to accompany herself and wrote to find her very own sound that was already in soul. She spent 6 months in Canada, 2 months in the USA and Jamaica to experience hip/hop and soul history/culture. Since 2017 she focuses more on beats than on playing the guitar, but storytelling remains just as important and that’s how she sees her music. Singer/songwriter but above all writer. Her upcoming first EP “Heritage and Love” together with Blunted Beats features Fuchy (Farhot), Agajon, Cap Kendricks and High-john. You’ll get to hear her sound a lot this summer.
Douniah is a singer/writer with Moroccan (Amazigh) & German heritage. The 22-year old soul Artist, now based in Berlin, started as a Singer/Songwriter in Hamburg. Starting with acoustic guitar and Storytelling at the age of 15 – she early found her sound in Neo-Soul, Jazz, Hip Hop and indie music.
From around 11 pm DJ*ane sets by Ki$hori und DJ Hengameh
Ki$hori grew up in Berlin and is part of the production collective JÜNGLINGE. Moreover, she is co- founder of the event series BLAZED in Berlin. Her dj- sets include electronic mash – ups, hip-hop and other hybrid styles.
DJ Hengameh, previously known as kos_mic q’andi, mixes MTV nostalgia beyond genre boundaries with contemporary sounds to create an ecstatic collage on a dance floor proposing political utopias in times of dystopian politics.
Lễ hội của những văn hóa đa tính đối lập
Ngày 26 tháng 5 năm 2019 từ 12-21h
Ngày 1 tháng 6 năm 2019 từ 2h chiếu đến 12 đêm
Mâu thuẫn ở khắp mọi nơi – biểu hiện trong cơ thể và cảm xúc, trong tình bạn và những mối quan hệ hàng xóm láng giềng, trong thành phố và trong chính trị. Những mâu thuẫn là một phần của những hành tinh, những tưởng tượng, những ngôn ngữ và các sinh vật sống. Làm thế nào để định hình những văn hoá mang tính mâu thuẫn không xuất phát từ bạo lực và khiến chúng ta phải đặt câu hỏi về cái gọi là sự bình thường? Liệu chúng ta có thể hiểu những mâu thuẫn là những vùng miền của các mối quan hệ giữa những thế giới được phân chia? Như là những sự phá vỡ trong những phân chia, cũng là những cơ hội cho những sự xích lại gần nhau và thay đổi?
Lễ hội KLIRRRRR có nghĩa là: Gặp gỡ, Tụ họp, một nơi để chúng ta cùng chung nhau xác định và đề nghị những cách xử lý truyền cảm hứng với các mâu thuẫn tồn tại. Lễ hội sẽ là không gian của những thực hành, những vũ điệu, những ngôn ngữ, của sự lắng nghe, của học hỏi và quên những điều đã học, của những cãi vã, những kinh nghiệm.
KLIRRRRR mừng năm thứ hai hoạt động của dự án Quan tâm cho mâu thuẫn (Caring for Conflict) – một dự án của những học hỏi xen kẽ được khởi xướng bởi District Berlin và viện nghiên cứu lý thuyết dị tính (iQt) cộng tác với tụ điểm trong xưởng sô-cô-la, KontextSchule, Le Nails trung tâm dạy nghề, Trường Alice Salomon, AWO Falkclub Neukölln, Trường Alfred-Nobel, Đại học nghệ thuật Berlin, DAMN- những người Đức gốc châu Á làm ồn. Được hỗ trợ qua quỹ dự án cho giáo dục văn hoá Berliner Projektfonds Kulturelle Bildung.