** Entsprechend der Veranstaltungssprache ist diese Ankündigung auf englisch.
Fab-rageous Grrlz
Lecture and screening with Alžběta Bačíková, Tatiana Bogacheva, Stéphanie Rosianu, and Selma Selman
18 February 2022, 5–8 pm
Location: uqbar, Schwedenstraße 16, 13357 Berlin, Germany
Language: English
Fab-rageous Grrlz Come Out of the Vapors is the title of the event that will take place on February 18, 5 to 8 pm, at uqbar in Berlin. It will include a lecture and installation by artist Stéphanie Rosianu and a screening of video works by Alžběta Bačíková and Selma Selman presented by Tatiana Bogacheva, curatorial team member of D’EST: A Multi-Curatorial Online Platform for Video Art from the Former ‘East’ and ‘West.’
The works of the three artists deal with the forms of expression of rage, anger, and resentment by those who are not allowed to express these feelings. The artists present the options for expressing anger without perpetuating systemic violence: they steer the change by accessing what they were barred from and transforming the mainstream narrative.
The evening will take place from 5 to 8 pm, with the lecture by Stéphanie Rosianu at 6 pm. The screening of Alžběta Bačíková’s and Selma Selman’s works will start at 7 pm.
This event is organized by Stéphanie Rosianu as the final project of her residency, with the support of ABA’s team.